Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cold Chillin – Installing that AC

Half-way through the summer, discomfort has finally trumped laziness and it’s time for the air conditioner to go in the window.


But we need to put something on the outside of the windowsill to prop up the AC and keep it from falling on one of the neighborhood kids.

If you think the neighbors scowl just because you gentrified the neighborhood, imagine the looks you’ll get when you start picking off their kids 8,000 BTUs at a time.


Look around for something small and stackable.  No, not those VICE magazines, you’re gunna get around to reading them one day.

How about the leftover pieces of wood from that IKEA bookshelf you just put together.  P.S. IKEA doesn’t give you extra pieces of wood.


We need a saw to cut em up and stack em, but we are not our father’s generation, we have no tools unless they come with our IKEA furniture.

Luckily, one of our friends is a real man and has a saw – let’s go grab it.


We may be gentrifying the neighborhood, but we also visit our friends behind bars.


So I’m pretty sure this is a saw, I dunno, my dad gave it to me.


Hey, is that the new Musician’s Friend catalog?  No!  Stay focused!!!




Yet amazingly on the way home, we find wood in someone’s garbage already cut to the right length.

Quick, grab it before they see us and we get shot or thanked.


Fits like a glove that almost fits.


And now for the final touch.


I’d help but I’m already holding this super heavy camera.


Oh yeah!  Now that it’s cool in here, let’s start the party and make it HOT again!!!


Havin a cold one in a cold room.


Now for the big one and we’re all done.


Das big.


We convince ourselves that we probably can’t put the big one in the other window because then we’d have to take down the herb garden.


Laziness trumps discomfort after all :)

Outlet Issues

The outlet is a good ten feet away.  And it’s behind someone’s chair.  Suddenly you regret lazily running your MacBook on battery power in the convenience of your own home this morning.  You really need to start planning ahead.

If that weren’t bad enough, you’ve forgotten the extension cable for your power adapter.


Always bring a Mac-compatible friend to the coffee shop with you.  He should have his extension cable in his bag.


That’s why he’s a MacBookPRO.


The hand-off.  And now for the awkward part…


“Do you mind if I get behind you and plug in?”  Poor choice of words.


“Maybe if I just get under you”.  Oh God.


“Hey, there was an outlet under my seat the whole time”.

Yeah.  You always seem to make that mistake at this coffee shop…

How To Fix – The Coffee Shop Wobble

Wobble is good in dubstep music, but not in a coffee shop table you’re sharing with a friend.

When you’re both furiously typing away at your MacBook(Pro)s, every vigorous strike of the keyboard can send the table wobbling, causing you or your cohort to mistype, sending chats, emails, and blog posts into disarray.

I couldn’t stand it, so I stood up.


And surveyed the situation.


I hopped back on the keyboard: “use yr npkn”.




“yur wlcm”